Other information
If you are having trouble connecting to Repsona, updating pages, updating tasks, etc., please refer to this page.
Make sure you are using a supported OS browser and the latest version of Repsona. If you are using an unsupported or older version of your browser, you may experience connectivity issues and may not be able to use the features.
Repsona requires a persistent connection between the Repsona server and member apps and browsers. Repsona is using WebSockets over port 443 for the connection.
In some cases, proxies and firewalls can block this connection. If necessary, you should change the settings to keep the connection to Repsona open at all times.
Antivirus software, ad blocking software, security environments, and firewalls can interfere with Repsona's connection.
Temporarily disabling the software may also make it easier to troubleshoot connectivity issues. If this resolves the issue, make sure the software allows Repsona.
If you still have a connection problem, please contact us.