About Repsona

More empathy and excitement for work

What we want to create is teams.

Origin of the name

The word "person" comes from the Latin "persona," and Repsona's name is a play on the word persona. We want to build the best people-centered team. We focus on "people" in our development.

What is Good Work?

To complete a large number of tasks, to perform tasks that require advanced knowledge and skills, and to finish as planned. There is no doubt that all of these are work itself. However, we believe that the essence of work is the fulfillment of the people involved in the work and the team. People do work that they feel is the best. Such work is truly wonderful.

The best teammates, the best work

"I am needed", "The team has a sense of humor", "I can talk about anything", "I can grow". Within the simple features of Repsona are little tricks that bring us closer to a better, people-centered team. We believe that by enhancing these features, we can help create another great team in the world.

Repsona LLC
Manoa Tamagawa 3th Building 501, 3-20-2 Tamagawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
+81 50-3701-1930